Fraud Protection
Buying Gift Cards for Loved Ones? Avoid These Common Scams
Did you know that you could be scammed just from buying a gift card? Our cybersecurity expert reveals critical tips to safeguard you & your money. Read now!
Why Older Americans are Top Scam Targets
The elderly are top scam targets because there's a perception that many lose mental acuity as part of aging. IDShield provides protection & peace of mind.
Recognizing Email Scams: Weird Symbols to Look for
How can you recognize email scams? IDShield can monitor your email accounts & send an alert if it appears thieves have access to your emails.
How SIM Swap Works: What You Need to Know
SIM swapping is a scam designed to transfer a phone user's info to a scammer. Here are 4 ways to detect and prevent SIM swap attacks.
A Home Buyer's Closing Nightmare
Closing on buying a home can open you up to scammers and thieves, but we have some tips to keep you safe.
Plan Now for the Next Natural Disaster
Natural disasters aren’t just a threat to life and limb, but to your identity as well. Find out how to protect yourself when the unthinkable happens.
IDShield Scam of the Month: Phony Utility Shut Off Threats
The primary utility scam has been around for years; it's brief, forceful & designed to trigger panic. Here's what you need to know to avoid being fooled.
Voice Cloning: Don't Get Duped
Voice cloning is used for many good reasons, like giving people a new voice using AI voice cloning. But criminals can also use them for illegal purposes.
How to Report Unemployment Fraud Committed in Your Name
Unemployment fraud is a current form of ID theft during this pandemic. You can report the fraud using these steps.
How to Prevent Loan Fraud: Loan Monitoring
Loan fraud done by thieves can negatively impact your credit report, leading to higher payments and more. IDShield has a solution to protect you.
Ways to Lower Fraud Risk When Holiday Shopping Online
You can shop online safely this holiday season by following a few simple, crucial steps to lower your risk of ID theft.
Did Someone Rent with Your Identity?
ID thieves need a place to live too—and they will use your identity to rent it. These tips and resources will help you fight the theft.
Co-signing a Loan: Understand the Risks
When you co-sign a loan you put your credit history and personal assets on the line. IDShield explains the risks of co-signing a loan.
Identity Theft Spotlight: Check Fraud
ID thieves can write checks using your personal info, which causes you a world of trouble. Learn the signs and the solutions.